Chapter Three - ELITISM

Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. Proverbs 16:18

Action Steps

1. Identify a member of an elite class and ask the person how he or she would recommend that you assist those stuck in poverty. 
I am going to talk about my husband  and myself, just because we are in lockdown. We have not really done anything to help people out of poverty, but we have helped people. We have a lady come to our house to clean a couple times a week, although we are capable of doing it ourselves, just to give her an income and social security benefits, which we pay for whether she works or not. We have given bags of 100 lbs, of rice for a year to the Leper community. We have given household things to people instead of selling these items. But we are aware that it is not enough. We could do more.

2. If you are a member of the elite class, ask yourself honestly what you have done in the last year to lift someone from poverty. No

3. Read and think about Chronicles 7:14. If we lead a good life and pray to God, He will always protect and provide for us.

4. If you are offender by the previous suggestion, ask yourself why. No


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